The performing musician in the 21st century (2015-2020)
A post-doctoral project looking at the skills required of a portfolio musician in a globalised music field.
Extended Composition (2018-2021)
The Polyphonic Performer (2009-2014)
A study of performance practice in music for solo cello by Morton Feldman, Helmut Lachenmann, Klaus K. Hübler and Simon Steen-Andersen. How can the role of the contemporary musician be expressed and understood within different contexts, and how does this express itself through the experiences of performers? Cellist Tanja Orning has worked instrumentally, theoretically and conceptually with these questions in her PhD-project (see Publications below).
MUSIC with the REAL (2015-2018)
Professional identities in progress – developing personal artistic trajectories
Orning, T. (2019). In Unfolding The Process, Edited by Darla Crispin, Director, Arne Nordheim Centre for Artistic Research, from Norwegian Academy of Music, ISBN: 9788278532706.
Lost (and found).
Orning, T. (2018). In Örat nr. 3–Förlorad musik.
‘Future musicianship and present educational practices’: a response to eight questions on the future of the conservatoire as an institution.
Orning, T. (2017). In Music & Practice, Volume 3, 2017.
Music as performance–gestures, sound and energy. A discussion of the pluralism of research methods in performance studies.
Orning, T. (2017). Peer-reviewed article in the Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, Special Issue: “Åforske med kunsten”, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 79-94.
Eksperimentell praksis–eksperimentell vurdering?
Orning, T. (2016). Essay i Kulturrådets utredning, Kunst, Kultur og Kvalitet. Publisert på nett og i ferd med åtrykkes i en essaysamling utgitt av Norsk Kulturråd.
The ethics of performance practice in complex music after 1945.
Orning, T. (2016). Chapter in Transformations of Musical Modernism, Cambridge University Press, Julian Johnsen and Erling Guldbrandsen, Eds.
The Polyphonic Performer: A study of performance practice in music for solo cello by Morton Feldman, Helmut Lachenmann, Klaus K. Hübler, and Simon Steen-Andersen
Orning, T. (2014). Ph.D Dissertation; Norges musikkhøgskole publication.
Pression revised – Anatomy of sound, notated energy and performance practice
Orning, T. (2013). In Sound and Score, an Orpheus Institute publication.
Pression – A Performance Study
Orning, T. (2012). In Music Performance Research, Vol. 5 (2012), 12– 31